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Universidad de Salamanca (USAL) reviews

617 reviews
4.30 / 5 based on 617 reviews
Useful  |  2
Melia D
Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA, United States
Psychology and Behavioural Sciences, Undergraduate, University Agreement
Personal recommendation
I can't say that you shouldn't study there, because it was my professor I didn't like. It was interesting to experience the Spanish school system firsthand and interact with the native students, and it was helpful to hear lectures in Spanish every day. I mainly took classes from my America-based program, IES, and had only this class at the University. I enjoyed the IES classes much more for their American structure (even though they were all in Spanish, too).
During my experience abroad, I ...
(1) Never – (4) A lot
Became familiar with another culture
Improved language skills
Met people from other countries
Became more independent
Partied a lot
Experienced a change in life
Advanced my studies & career
Useful  |  1
Reputación "histórica"
Spain, Undergraduate
Translation/Interpretation, 2021
La Universidad de Salamanca tiene una reputación histórica. Según mi experiencia como estudiante, su buena reputación es merecida... pero lo de "histórica" también.

Si bien es cierto que se aplican sin problema las nuevas posibilidades tecnológicas a la formación académica y se modernizan los contenidos de las enseñanzas cada cierto tiempo, el funcionamiento de las facultades, sobre todo a nivel administrativo, sigue resultando un poco arcaico (muchos procedimientos solo pueden realizarse de forma presencial, la información digital disponible suele estar desactualizada, a menudo por varios años...) en comparación con prácticamente todas las otras grandes universidades de España. Esto es, en mi opinión, especialmente problemático ya que la Universidad de Salamanca es muy atractiva a nivel nacional e internacional, y muchos de sus estudiantes proceden de fuera.

El precio de la matrícula está en la media de las universidades españolas; buena relación calidad-precio.

El ambiente universitario es bueno, aunque, desde mi punto de vista, es mérito exclusivo de la comunidad estudiante; no me parece que la Universidad tome medidas para fomentar en absoluto un "espíritu universitario" común a toda la comunidad universitaria. Dicho esto, durante mis estudios, nunca oí que hubiera percances entre estudiantes o entre éstos y la administración.

La ciudad es encantadora, y los contenidos de las carreras están bien organizados e impartidos, ¡que es lo más importante!
Buena formación, ciudad agradable, buena relación calidad-precio
Procedimientos administrativos arcaicos, escasa implicación con la comunidad estudiantil
Useful  |  0
Opportunity maker
Claudia M
International Relations, 2023
The University of Salamanca for me is an opportunity maker for several reasons. In my case, I am currently studying a degree on Global Studies, something that in Spain is quite new, since it is only offered in this university and in Barcelona. The main differentiating fact is that in my university it is offered in English, so that students are more in touch with the main language of the globalized era, and that it also follows a more practical methodology than in traditional degrees in Spain. 
Students can enjoy the high level of expertise of the proffessors, since they have diverse and highly competent backgrounds. Another outstanding factor of my university is that it encourages students to study foreign languages, offering low-prized courses and titulations. Aditionally, it offers different student association from different knowledge fields to foster not only student initiatives (since the coordination totally depends on us), but also increase the quality of our school background. In the case of those associations related with my degree, the debate club, ASCIPO (political science association), Iguales LGBT and MUNUSAL (simulation of the UN) are to be mentioned. In my case, I have participated in many local, regional and national debate competitions in different formats, not only during my time in university, but also before. This experience has increased the quality of how I debate and also my soft skills.
The wide range of offerts.
Useful  |  2
State University of New York, Buffalo, Buffalo, United States
Literature, Undergraduate, Independent
Personal recommendation
A wonderful learing and cultural experience - one of the best decisions I've made in my life was to study there.
During my experience abroad, I ...
(1) Never – (4) A lot
Became familiar with another culture
Improved language skills
Met people from other countries
Became more independent
Partied a lot
Experienced a change in life
Advanced my studies & career
Online, Curso, Gestión deportiva, 40h - 30 Días
160 €
Online, Master, Gestión deportiva, 600h - 1 Año
2.100 €
REVIEWS BY INTERNS AT Universidad de Salamanca
Since its founding in 1218, the University of Salamanca has had illustrious jurists, scientists, doctors and writers among its professors and students.

In 1987 the construction of a new campus was undertaken to satisfy the growing needs of the University of Salamanca.

This remarkable material growth that the University of Salamanca has undergone over the last ten years has been accompanied by an even more remarkable qualitative and quantitative growth, both in the number of students and teaching and administrative staff, on the one hand, and in the number of degrees and doctoral programs offered, university institutes and technological centres and services for the university community, on the other.

Phone: +34 923 294426 (Int'l Office)
Address: Universidad de Salamanca, Patio de Escuelas 2, 37008, Salamanca, Spain
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