Stages et offres d'emploi en Slovaquie
“Join us and play a pivotal role in projects that are reshaping large financial institutions for the better.
“* Inštalácia počítačov
* Inštalácia a testovanie siete
“You will review ads in both English and Czech
This role is great for people who:
“In other words, you'll tell the AI program how good or bad its advertisement suggestions are based on the user...
“* zodpovednosť, iniciatíva, ochota vzdelávať sa
* ochota pracovať na zmeny Read more Read less...
“V Skúšobnom laboratóriu Piešťany sú vykonávané mikrobiologické skúšky. ...
“* implementácia zmien SW a HW za účelom zabezpečenia zvýšenia bezpečnosti, kvality a dispo...
“* znalosti v oblasti kalibrácií a robotizácie (KUKA) výhodou
“Exciting projects that will come our way are e.g. automation of the payment run, close cooperation with the Li...
“The team collaborates closely with Service sales, Print, PS, HPWS categories, and all supporting functions.
“What would be your daily responsibilities?
* Coordinating internal and external appointments and meetings to ...
“We are looking for people who can use their analytical superpower, to decide with whom (COMPANY NAME) should do or do not...
“3 - 4 years) in CDD (Customer Due Diligence) AML (Anti Money Laundering)
“* Putting new e-scooters into service: unpacking, doing quality checks, adding necessary equipment, ensuring s...
“Our KBS Europe team is proud of contributing to business outcomes.
“Established in the Occitanie region since its creation, and manufacturing over 95% of its products in France, ...
“Čo na Vás v spoločnosti (COMPANY NAME) čaká:
* zmysluplná a zaujímavá práca s technicky pokročilými ...
“* Hľadanie príležitostí za účelom zvýšenia efektívnosti predajného procesu
“About this role
The goal of our Sales Administrator is to welcome new restaurants to the platform. ...
“Our mission? To empower every food moment around the world, whether it's through customer service, coding or c...
“Merania a analýzy spôsobilosti strojov a procesov;
Podieľanie sa na procese uvoľňovania nových...
vysokoškolské II. stupňa
Vzdelanie v odbore
Vzdelanie v odbore: chémia, biológia, prípa...
“We provide you with a comprehensive development opportunities, including one-month-long onboarding program. ...
“Dosahujeme to v spoločnosti, ktorú máme pod kontrolou. V prostredí, ktoré spolu vytvárame. ...
“We are a trusted companion in an increasingly complex digital world - at home and at work, anyplace, anytime. ...
“Naša spoločnosť bola ocenená prestížnym titulom TOP EMPLOYER SLOVAKIA 2024.
“a 14. plat
Dochádzkový bonus vo výške 1000EUR/ročne
Jedáleň priamo v závode - len 1,30 eur za m...
“It is also one of the global independent market leaders in certain testing and laboratory services for genomic...
“It is also one of the global independent market leaders in certain testing and laboratory services for genomic...
“DANUCEM ŕ 3 branches d'activité principale, le béton, le ciment, le granulat....
“Your main responsibilities will include:
* Validate and enter data to SAP and Salesforce
“En 2018, (COMPANY NAME) generó 4.200 millones de euros de facturación proforma, con 800 laboratorios distribuidos en...
“Read more Read less
Our offer
Práca na rannú zmenu
Flexibilný pracovný čas
Školenia požadov...
“Hľadáme srdcom marketéra, ideálne so skúsenosťami v FMCG, so vzťahom ku športovým a kultúr...
“Your key responsibilities:
* Organize and coordinate training sessions and educational workshops across vario...
“Ako náš "Servisný technik pre automatické dvere" získate prehľad o najmodernejších zariadeniach...
“automatizačná technika, mechatronik resp.
elektrotechnický odbor,
“Key Responsibilities:
- Evaluate the quality and relevance of online advertisements in Slovak
- Assess ad con...
“V súčasnosti (COMPANY NAME) spoločnosti dokážu poskytovať svojim klientom sortiment viac ako 200...
“What will you do?
* Being responsible for early involvement in project research and providing professional so...
“All this, without forgetting to have fun along the way!
(COMPANY NAME) is one of the world's leading integr...
“Pracovná zmluva sa uzatvára priamo so spoločnosťou Continental Tires Slovakia.
“* Being the first contact for new partners, guiding them through onboarding, resolving any operational and adm...
“O pozícii
Do nášho tímu hľadáme nových kolegov na pozíciu Operátor/ka - Mechanik operátor/ka. ...
“* Embrace the principles of LEAN in a continuous improvement culture
“* Embrace the principles of LEAN in a continuous improvement culture
“We're building a culture that celebrates backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives of all our associates. ...
“This means seeking possibilities which lead toward results, producing ideas or incorporating new technologies ...
“With our leading brands, our cutting-edge technologies and our disruptive solutions, you will have countless o...
“Your main responsibilities will include:
* Validate and enter data to SAP and Salesforce