Stages et offres d'emploi d'Informatique en Slovaquie
“* Aktívna účasť na priemyselných podujatiach a networkingových príležitostiach.
“Why join (COMPANY NAME)?
At (COMPANY NAME), you´ll have an outstanding opportunity. ...
“* Work with an experienced team of developers and business analysts.
“* Critical Illness Insurance, Life & Disability insurance, Medical Center
“* Personal & Career Development
* And many more: http://(COMPANY NAME).biz/benefits_IBM
“* Practice your algorithmic knowledge and develop your programming skills
“* Podávanie správ a ich eskaláciu vedeniu, ak je to potrebné
“* Provide technical support to the end-users.
Possibilities of development
“* Possibility of self-realization in an international corporate environment
“Based on your experience/profile, the final financial conditions will be the subject to discuss and negotiate ...
“* Seek, reflect, act on, and give feedback.
* Gather information from a range of sources to analyse facts and...
“* Possibility of self-realization in an international corporate environment
“* English at an intermediate level B1
Profile of social and personal competencies:
“* We are looking for naturally curious individuals eager to learn and grow.
“Your profile
Práca je ideálna pre človeka, ktorý je precízny a má cit pre detail. ...
“* dochádzkový bonus 1050 EUR
* mimoriadne ročné odmeny
“Personal Qualities:
* A strong team player with the ability to take responsibility for assigned tasks.
“plat a pred Vianocami - 14. plat
* nadštandardné príplatky za nočnú zmenu a prácu v sobotu (2,32 EU...
“Skúsenosti na rovnakej alebo podobnej pozícií výhodou,
Znalosť databázových systémov, kubernetes a/alebo...
“Pre špecializovaných predajcov a správu vozového parku ponúka sektor Tires okrem iných služieb aj sy...
“Čo vďaka tejto práci získaš?
* Možnosť získať praktické skúsenosti v medzinárod...
“Dodato?né informácie:
Ste pripravený pracovať pre Continental? ...
“* Basic English skills
What will you gain?
* Hands-on experience with software development
“* Basic English skills
What will you gain?
* Hands-on experience with software development
“* Using specialized software tools, including EY's AI solutions
“Sektor Tires so svojím prémiovým portfóliom v segmente osobných, nákladných, autobusových, dvojkolesových a ...
“Technologická spoločnosť založená v roku 1871 ponúka bezpečné, efektívne, inteligentné a c...
“Read more Read less
Our offer
* Nástupná tarifná trieda: T8: 1 950EUR brutto/mesiac + variabilná zlož...
“* Scripting Languages (Python)
* German
We offer:
* Home office, telework
“Čo od teba chceme:
* ukončený druhy ročník VŠ technického smeru
* znalosť JavaScript...
“* Wage: 8 EUR/ hour gross
Join us and kick-start your career in the exciting world of credit risk...
“* You contribute to best practices.
* You drive continuous process improvement
“Cat® Digital is the digital and technology arm of (COMPANY NAME) Inc., leveraging the latest technologies to buil...
“We are seeking students with an interest in technology to join our team to help us establish and grow our pres...
“* Manages team performance on investigation, deviation and CAPA support - coaches team to continuously improve...
“* Implement best practices for version control and CI/CD pipelines using tools such as Azure DevOps and GitHub...
“Few important notes
* We are seeking candidates for a part-time internship program lasting 6 months.
“Kedy môžeš začať?
* Nástup na brigádu je plánovaný od 1. ...
“* Experience required:
* 1+ year with Python, preferably with Pandas, MLFlow and Numpy.
“* Good written and verbal communication skills
* Good organizational skills