Emplois en Santé en Slovaquie
“From the food you eat, to the water you drink, to the medicines you rely on, (COMPANY NAME) works with the biggest c...
“* Dodržiavať FIFO (First in/First out)
* Umývať mixéry, zásobníky, výrobné zariadenia a pracov...
“* Analyzovanie aktuálneho stavu a identifikácia hlavných problémov na zlepšenie výkonu.
“Dodato?né informácie:
Osobnostné predpoklady a zručnosti
- komunikatívnosť
Stredné odborné vzdelanie - chemické, analytické
VŠ I a II stupňa - chemické
“- Dominio de software relacionados al área.
- Excelente disposición, gran capacidad de trabajo, dinámico, pro...
“* Znalosť potravinového práva a potravinovej analýzy (výhodou)
“In over just 30 years, (COMPANY NAME) has grown from one laboratory in Nantes, France to over 58,000 staff across a ...
“In 2021, (COMPANY NAME) generated total revenues of EUR 6,7 billion, and has benn among the best performing stocks i...
“Čo Vás čaká:
Budete mať na starosti údržbu a opravy strojov, aby naše výrobné linky ...
“It is also one of the global independent market leaders in certain testing and laboratory services for genomic...
“* Definovať špecifikáciu užívateľských požiadaviek a aktívne sa podieľať na...
“Keeping current in market trends and competitor's strategy.
“* Ensure that process safety documentation is developed and maintained for all identified hazards.
“From the food you eat, to the water you drink, to the medicines you rely on, (COMPANY NAME) works with the biggest c...
“In over just 30 years, (COMPANY NAME) has grown from one laboratory in Nantes, France to over 58,000 staff across a ...
“* Strong attention to detail
* Time management
* Good communication skills, both verbal and written
“From the food you eat, to the water you drink, to the medicines you rely on, (COMPANY NAME) works with the biggest c...
“(COMPANY NAME) offers a portfolio of over 200,000 analytical methods to evaluate the safety, identity, composition, ...
“-údržba prístrojov
-vypracovávanie príslušných pracovných postupov
-výkon validácii a verifikácii me...
“In over just 30 years, (COMPANY NAME) has grown from one laboratory in Nantes, France to over 50,000 staff across a ...
pôvodne ako BEL a od tej doby rozširuje svoje pôsobenie na trhu
- možnosť bonusového ohodn...
“* Identifies and opens new accounts, supports the commercial management and development of these accounts.
“Práca je vykonávaná v 4 zmennej prevádzke (8 hodinové zmeny).
“Responsibilities and duties
* Bridges business and IT solutions, manages business relations with stakeholders ...
“Career Opportunities and Challenges
* Lead the product management of the assigned digital product portfolio, ...
“* Testovanie: Vykonávanie chemických a mikrobiologických testov.
“* Good track record for working in a customer-focused role within sales, application support, customer service...
“* Play an integral part in generating new sales that will turn into long-lasting relationships
“It's critical to apply imagination and creativity in our markets to find solutions that work. ...
“Od potravín, ktoré konzumuješ, po vodu, ktorú piješ, po lieky, na ktoré sa spoliehaš, (COMPANY NAME) ...
“At (COMPANY NAME), we are on a journey to bring life-saving medicines to patients worldwide. ...
“* Autonomous, proactive, and flexible approach
* Driving license sk. ...
“* Pharmaceutical industry experience
* Knowledge of territorial planning and using data to enhance performanc...
“Our commitment to decreasing global mortality rates is clear as we shape the future by identifying scientifica...
“* Conduct regular workplace inspections and audits to monitor compliance with regulatory requirements and comp...
“From the food you eat, to the water you drink, to the medicines you rely on, (COMPANY NAME) works with the biggest c...
“(COMPANY NAME) believes it is a global leader in food, environmental, pharmaceutical and cosmetics products testing ...