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Sciences Po Paris (IEP) reviews

364 reviews
4.03 / 5 based on 364 reviews
Useful  |  2
Une expérience ternie par le Covid
Amalia F
France, Undergraduate
Social Sciences, 2022
J'ai passé deux superbes années sur le campus de Reims, et je dois cela aux rencontres faites là-bas, et à la vie étudiante, qui, jusqu'à la crise du COVID, était une des grandes raisons qui justifiait le coût de l'école. En effet, il ne faut pas s'attendre à être émerveillé par les professeurs et les cours dès la première année. C'est en deuxième année, avec la sélection de notre spécialisation (entre Humanités Politiques, Economie et Sociologie, et Politique et Gouvernment) que l'on a enfin l'opportunité de s'épanouir intellectuellement. En tant normal, la vie associative, culturelle et festive est ce qui donne à Sciences Po le + qu'une fac normale ne proposerait pas.
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La diversité des cours dans cette école est un de ses grands points forts: ainsi j'ai pu prendre des cours de litérature, de théâtre et de cinéma, et c'est une flexibilité que j'ai grandement apprécié.
Malgré leurs efforts, j'ai souvent buté contre les incohérences de la gestion administrative de l'établissement, notamment durant la crise du Covid.
Useful  |  1
Mandy B
King's College - University of London, London, United Kingdom
Political Science, Undergraduate, University Agreement
Personal recommendation
Really challenging and academically satisfying. Nobody who signs up for sciences po should expect an easy year abroad, it is hard and it needs a lot of work especially in my case where the year abroad counted towards my degree.
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During my experience abroad, I ...
(1) Never – (4) A lot
Became familiar with another culture
Improved language skills
Met people from other countries
Became more independent
Partied a lot
Experienced a change in life
Advanced my studies & career
Useful  |  2
Good quality overall but with some minor flaws to adjust
Giancarlo d
China, Undergraduate
Political Science, 2021
Sciences Po Paris is an extremely renowded university in France especially in the public administration and political science degrees. This quality teaching can be explained as the institution does host some of the most competent and renowned scholars in the fields. However Sciences Po also has very respectful results in the sociology and Economic fields. The only minor flaw that can be specified is the slow pace at which Sciences Po is undertaking a more practical approach of its studies. Despite some efforts classes in Sciences Po still lack enough  perspective into the current outside environnement, especially in undergraduate classes, which remain very theoric and generalistic.
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Strong quality of theoric teachings and well formed scholars who can offer their own experiences to students
Not enough perspective on practicing the acquired theory we gain through proper works and field studies
Useful  |  2
Good quality overall but with some minor flaws to adjust
Giancarlo d
China, Undergraduate
Political Science, 2021
Sciences Po Paris is an extremely renowded university in France especially in the public administration and political science degrees. This quality teaching can be explained as the institution does host some of the most competent and renowned scholars in the fields. However Sciences Po also has very respectful results in the sociology and Economic fields. The only minor flaw that can be specified is the slow pace at which Sciences Po is undertaking a more practical approach of its studies. Despite some efforts classes in Sciences Po still lack enough  perspective into the current outside environnement, especially in undergraduate classes, which remain very theoric and generalistic.
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Strong quality of theoric teachings and well formed scholars who can offer their own experiences to students
Not enough perspective on practicing the acquired theory we gain through proper works and field studies
En présentiel, Licence pro, Métiers du Droit, 3 Ans
Prix sur demande
En présentiel, Licence pro, Assurance, 1 An
Prix sur demande
En présentiel, Master, Droit Pénal, 1 An
Prix sur demande
En présentiel, Master, Droit des Affaires, 1 An
Prix sur demande
Sciences Po is one of Europe's most distinguished universities located right in the heart of Paris. With a long history of more than 125 years, Sciences Po educates the best young minds not only of France but also of Europe for leadership. Sciences Po prepares its graduates to pursue their future careers in various paths such as international business, public administration and service sector, multilateral organisations and many other fields of endeavour.
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Other names: IEP-Paris
Phone: +33 1 45 49 66 40
Address: Institut d'Etudes Politiques - Paris, 27, rue Saint-Guillaume, 75337, Paris, France
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