Stages et offres d'emploi en Slovaquie
“A čo viac, dosahujeme to v spoločnosti, ktorú máme pod kontrolou. ...
“* Hľadanie príležitostí za účelom zvýšenia efektívnosti predajného procesu
“This job opportunity is open for University Student with time flexibility (15-20 hours a week)
“About this role
The goal of our Sales Administrator is to welcome new restaurants to the platform. ...
“Our mission? To empower every food moment around the world, whether it's through customer service, coding or c...
“Merania a analýzy spôsobilosti strojov a procesov;
Podieľanie sa na procese uvoľňovania nových...
vysokoškolské II. stupňa
Vzdelanie v odbore
Vzdelanie v odbore: chémia, biológia, prípa...
“We provide you with a comprehensive development opportunities, including one-month-long onboarding program. ...
“Dosahujeme to v spoločnosti, ktorú máme pod kontrolou. V prostredí, ktoré spolu vytvárame. ...
“We are a trusted companion in an increasingly complex digital world - at home and at work, anyplace, anytime. ...
“Naša spoločnosť bola ocenená prestížnym titulom TOP EMPLOYER SLOVAKIA 2024.
“a 14. plat
Dochádzkový bonus vo výške 1000EUR/ročne
Jedáleň priamo v závode - len 1,30 eur za m...
“It is also one of the global independent market leaders in certain testing and laboratory services for genomic...
“It is also one of the global independent market leaders in certain testing and laboratory services for genomic...
“Your main responsibilities will include:
* Validate and enter data to SAP and Salesforce
“En 2018, (COMPANY NAME) generó 4.200 millones de euros de facturación proforma, con 800 laboratorios distribuidos en...
“Read more Read less
Our offer
Práca na rannú zmenu
Flexibilný pracovný čas
Školenia požadov...
“Hľadáme srdcom marketéra, ideálne so skúsenosťami v FMCG, so vzťahom ku športovým a kultúr...
“Ako náš "Servisný technik pre automatické dvere" získate prehľad o najmodernejších zariadeniach...
“Key Responsibilities:
- Evaluate the quality and relevance of online advertisements in Slovak
- Assess ad con...
“V súčasnosti (COMPANY NAME) spoločnosti dokážu poskytovať svojim klientom sortiment viac ako 200...
“Pracovná zmluva sa uzatvára priamo so spoločnosťou Continental Tires Slovakia.
“* Being the first contact for new partners, guiding them through onboarding, resolving any operational and adm...
“* Embrace the principles of LEAN in a continuous improvement culture
“* Embrace the principles of LEAN in a continuous improvement culture
“We're building a culture that celebrates backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives of all our associates. ...
“Our services comprise testing of water, air, soil, waste and other products to assess their quality and impact...
Požiadavky : prax v PZS resp príbuznej inštitúcii min 3 roky ,AJ, samostatnosť ,...
“Your main responsibilities will include:
* Validate and enter data to SAP and Salesforce
“external and personal accounting)
* Experience as a commercial controller/businessman for a...
“Uži si benefity, ktoré prichádzajú s prácou v (COMPANY NAME)
Finančné odmeny: Zabezpeč si pravidelné preho...
“If you enjoy researching topics online and want a flexible and fun side job, this position is perfect for you!...
“A to nie je otázka.
Hľadáme skúseného údržbára/mechanika na prácu v 4-zmennej prevádzke. ...
“Then Bel is made for you!
Are you bold, pragmatic, and determined? ...
“* Large-scale agricultural monitoring system: Analyze satellite images with Computer Vision.
“La diversité de nos équipes nous permettra de mieux appréhender l'évolution des besoins de nos clients et de n...
“Spájame zákazníkov od Amsterdamu po Auckland s jedlom, ktoré milujú.
“Employee perks, benefits
Benefits you can enjoy while working at (COMPANY NAME)
Financial Rewards: Benefit from regular s...
“Our vision? Invent a greener and more secured mobility, thanks to solutions focusing on intuitive driving and ...
“* Beantwortung und Bearbeitung verschiedener Anfragen per E-Mail und Telefon oder in (virtuellen) Meetings.
“Apart from the strong support in your induction and training, ability to work with great team leaders and coll...
“This was a real game changer for large corporate clients as they had to contact different branches all around ...
“* preventívna údržba strojných zariadení, kontrola a nastavenie tolerancií podľa predpisov
“Stara Tura explores digitalization, automatic remote data read-out devices, and data gathering and evaluation ...
“Today, HON Stará Turá produces gas pressure regulators for low, medium, and high pressure in addition to turbi...
“V Skúšobnom laboratóriu Piešťany sú vykonávané mikrobiologické skúšky. ...
“Dans un monde de plus en plus digital, nous restons proche de nos clients, pour mieux les comprendre et les se...
“* Ide o krátkodobú brigádu (predpoklad 2-3 mesiace, s možnosťou predĺženia pri vzájomnej s...
“* Prípadnú odbornú terminológiu Vás zaučíme.
* Hlavný smer prekladu je zo Slovenčiny do Anglič...
“* Prispieva k dosahovaniu kľúčových ukazovateľov výkonnosti závodu.